Club Events:
The club will be open the following Sundays:
March 30
April 6, 13, and 27
May 4
The hours for these dates are 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
Club members and non-members are welcome.
Hiring Operations Manager/Cashier and Trap Help
PSC is looking to hire an Operations Manager/Cashier and Trap Help.
Work hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
from approximately 4:30pm until dark starting early May.
Operations Manager/Cashier schedule would be all three days of the week.
Trap Help work hours can be flexible to meet your schedule.
For more information: Email
Summer Trap League
Sign up is now taking place for the 2025 Summer Trap League.
The club offers summer trapshooting leagues on Tues, Weds, and Thurs evenings.
The leagues start May 6 and conclude on August 7.
The number of teams accepted into the leagues is limited.
For information about the Summer Leagues: Mike Spacek Email
Next Monthly Meeting:
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 7:00pm at the club.
All members are welcome.
Monthly meetings are when club business is conducted and an
opportunity for members to provide input to help guide club operations.
Please attend the meeting and consider serving as a director of the club.